A Multimedia Storyteller

James creates stories that touch into our sense of humanity and purpose. Through the vessel of his stories, he explores human consciousness and our capacity for compassion.

Children’s Author

James’ book You Can’t Have My Planet, But Take My Brother, Please is published by Macmillan. In the book, it turns out we humans are merely renting Earth and because we’re such lousy tenants, we’re about to get evicted. Some remarkable kids go on a quest to prove that our species is capable of stewarding the planet. Winner of a Bank Street Book of the Year award.


The Boatyard is a forthcoming novel from Reagan Arts Books and Simon & Schuster. The book brings to light the miraculous story of how a rollicking bunch in rural Wisconsin built the finest yachts in the world.


In FOG, an award-winning documentary that James co-created with Michael Pedraza and Eduardo Dolhun, a San Francisco doctor and disaster medicine specialist reaches out to his homeless neighbors. Amidst the United States’ unprecedented boom in our unhoused community, this film stands as a testament to humanity amidst severe conditions, sharing the voice of those in our society who are most vulnerable. View FOG here.